A video to encourage you


This Too Shall Pass

***This too shall pass***
I just wanted to encourage you today and remind you of how much God loves you. I know there are many of you that are struggling and you feel as if God has forgotten you. He has NOT! Many of you are suffering from depression, anxiety, physical pain, emotional turmoil and feeling like your world has caved in on you. Maybe your marriage is suffering, maybe your going through a nasty divorce. Perhaps you lost your home due to foreclosure. Maybe you even had to file bankruptcy.
I know all these feelings. everything I just mentioned I have experienced in the last 2 years. On top of all that my ex husband, the father to my 3 children died suddenly. It wasn’t easy. It was one of the darkest times in my life. Not to mention I was 70# overweight. But instead of letting all that stuff send me into a downward spiral…when I was at rock bottom I looked up to Jesus! He carried me every step of the way. My favorite scripture is Romans 8:28 “All things work for the good of those who love the Lord and are called according to His purpose.” Everything the enemy tried to use to destroy me, only made me stronger. I am a better person, wife, mother and child of God because of those hard times. I am happier and healthier than I have ever been. Friends listen, God loves you so much, and even when you feel like the world has given up on you. God never will. Trust Him and HE will carry you through the fire. I love you so much, your going to be okay, ((Big Hugs))

shall pass

I Have Changed!


Recently a friend had shared with me, how others were talking about me. They were talking about how I had changed, and how I was no longer the Gypsy they knew. As if to imply that it wasn’t a good thing.

Well, I will agree with whomever made that comment. With the exception that it is a positive change rather than a negative one.

I have always put others before myself and while sometimes that is a good thing, it can be detrimental to oneself as well. Everything requires a healthy balance. Sometimes we can get so caught up in, “doing” for others that we forget who we are in the process. Especially, when you’re a people pleaser like me.

This last year has been so challenging for me, however I have learned more about myself than at any other time. Maybe it’s because I’m getting older, and with heartache comes wisdom.

All my life I have worried about what other people thought about me. I wanted everyone to like me. This people pleasing attitude kept me in bondage during ministry and just everyday life.

Because I had a heart to serve, people used me and I didn’t know how to say, “No”. I didn’t want to say no, even at the expense of taking away from my family, because then people wouldn’t like me. And I wanted everyone to like me. I poured my heart, my time, and my life into these, “church” people.

But when God began to reveal to me the bondage I was in by this religious spirit that held me captive, I began to break away, I began to seek more of God and less of, “Church.” Now I’m not saying church isn’t good. It absolutely is, however you need to have discernment to know whether or not you’re in a healthy church with healthy spiritual people.

But as it turns out, as time would soon tell, the people I poured myself into, didn’t “REALLY” care about me at all. They cared about what I could do for them. I let them put me in a box and as long as I said and did what they wanted, they were happy with me.

God is showing me that it isn’t about how many hours I serve or don’t serve. He loves me. Just me. No more and no less. But I have to say that I got to a point in ministry and my personal life where I had to walk away.

I was tired of being hurt. I was tired of being used.  I was tired of the judgmental people who claimed to love Jesus, but the first ones to run you over when you fell. I was tired of the, “holier than thou” attitude. I was tired. I was sick and tired of people trying to be my holy spirit.

Those same people now, will tell others, “oh Gypsy isn’t the same, she’s changed, and you wouldn’t even know her.” And I have to say for once they are right!!

I’m not the same. I stopped caring what they think about me. I grew a pair and learned to stand up for myself! I have learned to say no. I have learned that not all people are going to like me or what I do and that it is perfectly okay.

I no longer let other people dictate my life, I no longer let people intimidate me. I don’t walk in fear, I am no longer depressed. I don’t need validation from other people to feel important. And people’s opinions of me whether good or bad do not determine how I feel about myself. For I serve an audience of ONE.

I am happy and I have peace in my life now. I have also learned through humble experiences to love people right where they are, sin and all. I have learned to keep my mouth shut and my judgmental thoughts to myself whenever they try and creep in and make me assume something about someone’s situation when I don’t have a clue!

So yes, I have changed. I have been humbled, I am wiser. I am stronger. And I walk in the freedom to be exactly who God created me to be, ME.

And it is my sincerest prayer that if you can relate to anything I have said, that you too will find the strength to change and walk in freedom of just being YOU.

**Letting Shame Go**

 I wanted to talk with you today about something that has been heavy on my heart the last few days. I’ve recently spoken to several people who with different life stories, share the same feelings of shame. It occurred to me that all too often we carry around way too much guilt. We often obsess over the past and what we could have or should have done. Or maybe it’s the things you shouldn’t have done that still plague you? Either way its not healthy.

God say’s that he has forgiven us, then why is it so hard for us to forgive ourselves? We walk around in a haze plagued by our own feelings of guilt and inadequacy, that ultimately it becomes a stumbling block in our walk.

I want to encourage you today to stand strong and try not to focus on the past. I know sometimes it is easier said than done, but you just need to make up your mind to do it. What I have learned with this subject is that God will not move you forward until your ready to let go of the past.

And remember God isn’t concerned about what you did or didn’t do in your past, he is focusing on what you still can do in the future. If there is any example of a person who was really messed up in the Bible and by any accounts should not have been worthy of anything God had., it was Paul.

But he turned out to be one of the most influential members in the bible. He was a man who killed Christians before he got saved, he was a murderer! But God used him mightily. So when you begin to feel inadequate, remember that God does not choose people who are qualified in their own right. If He did than He would not get the Glory. And besides, no such person exist, besides Jesus Christ himself.

Instead, He chooses messed up people like you and me, because we know in our own strength we couldn’t do anything without Him. So what? You’re a Christian and you messed up, maybe you messed up big time and your feeling condemned and that God doesn’t want to use you now.

Remember that Romans 3:23 says that ALL have sinned and have fallen short of the Glory of God. Every man, woman or child who was ever born or ever will be, Christian or not has a problem with sin. Again, learn to let go of that shame, guilt and feeling of worthlessness!!

God has made you for a great purpose but He wont do anything with you if you don’t allow Him into the inner most parts of your heart. He needs freedom in your life to really help you. But He wont do it without your permission.

I encourage you to let go of the shame of your past and begin to think and speak about your future in a positive way according to what God has placed in your heart, not according to what you have seen in the past or are seeing now in the present. He has a great future for you. Believe it and confess it. Be blessed and be encouraged.

You Are Stronger Than You Think You Are.

You Are Stronger Than You Think You Are..

2013 A Year of Fulfillment

 Be encouraged my friends, last year was a hard year . Many things came to an end. There was loss in every area. There were things you had to let go of, even though it may have been painful, in order to move forward with what God wanted for you in this new year. But I declare this year is a year of, “Fulfillment.” This will be a year that dreams are fulfilled, hopes and ideas. God has given us all a passion, and many of us have felt as if somewhere God has forgotten about the promises he made us. But God is never late! This year will truly be a NEW YEAR for you if you will trust God and instead of walking in “Fear” of the unknown, walk in “HOPE” of the unknown. God is far from being done with you!

Will you be Persistent?

I recently started my 21 day Daniel fast. If you have never tried it, I would encourage you to look into it. I have had a amazing things happen in my life and in the lives of friends and family members that I prayed for. When we fast and pray we see quicker results. Remember God hears all of our prayers and His timing is perfect. But as we will see in scripture even God has to battle the enemy on our behalf. Daniel 10:12-13 “Don’t be afraid, Daniel,” he said to me, “for from the first day that you purposed to understand and to humble yourself before your God, your prayers were heard. I have come because of your prayers. But the prince of the kingdom of Persia opposed me for 21 days. Then Michael, one of the chief princes, came to help me after I had been left there with the kings of Persia. (Daniel 10:11-13 HCSB) You see, Daniel had a terrifying vision and started praying about it constantly. 21 days later, the archangel Gabriel showed up and told Daniel that he was treasured by God and that God’s answer went out immediately – but was detained for 21 days due to spiritual warfare. (Literally angels and demon struggling against one another.). Gabriel told Daniel twice that he was a man treasured by God. Remember God is working according to his time table. But he works in this world and his ministers and angels face real opposition. God is active. God responds. God sends help. But even for God, it can take time! Daniel was beside himself with concern for his people. He was deeply moved and was going without food or comfort for days, nearly a month! God sent an answer on day one! Daniel persisted in prayer for another 20 days!!! And help was on the way with an answer and comfort and hope! But evil forces keep that answer from arriving for 20 days!!!! Think about that. God too works in this fallen world and battles against evil forces. Sometimes he responds immediately and your answer is kept from arriving immediately. Don’t give up. Whatever it is you are waiting on, know that your prayers have been heard and an answer is on the way. But will you persist and choose not to give up? We can miss our blessings, when we become impatient and choose to do things on our own, rather than waiting on God. Stay persistent, stay strong and know that your day of victory is near.
PRAYER: Father God, thank You for treasuring me. Thank You for treasuring those around me. I pray for Your Spirit and Your angels to strengthen and encourage friends around me who seem to be losing their spiritual warfare battles right now. Let them know they are treasured by You, and assure them You are battling on their behalf and Your answer is on its way. Keep assuring me that You’ve sent Your answers to my prayers. I pray that encouragement and constructiveness will spread through Your people, and that small pockets of negativity will be battled and overcome by Your angels, Your Spirit, and Christian maturity. Be blessed my friends.

The Pain of Change

Which is worse: the pain of change or the pain of never changing? –Joyce Meyers

Recently I read the statement, :Which is worse: the pain of change or the pain of never changing.? I realized she was really on to something . How many times have we chosen to stay somewhere because we are afraid to move? For those of us that have a heart for Jesus, we find ourselves not wanting to step out because we are so afraid of making the wrong decision. We wait and we wait, waiting for God to move. However, God says, “I know your waiting on me, but my beloved, I am waiting on you.”

Were so afraid of making a mistake that we don’t move at all. Friends, I really believe that if we want all that God has for us, we are going to have to step out where it is a little uncomfortable and even a little scary. Simply because we are out of our comfort zones. And when there is change there is growth. And because the Word says that, “without faith it is impossible to please Him.“ Hebrews 11:6. We have to have faith that God is going to carry us. If we do make a mistake, it will be perfected in Christ Jesus.

Recently I was speaking to a mentor and she asked me what I was afraid of. I simply said, “I am afraid of making a mistake.” She says to me, “Why is it that when were in the world we are not afraid to say or do what we want, but somehow when we come to Christ were so afraid we don’t move to do anything.” Friends you cant live in fear. Sometimes, your destiny is going to cause you to step into places that are not comfortable. Don’t be afraid of making a mistake, if you do, it wont be wasted. God wastes nothing. Everything will be perfected for HIS glory. Here’s something else I learned recently. When blessings come to you SUDDENLY, things begin to happen very quickly and your wondering how it could be happening? Remember that chances are you have been praying about that thing and asking God for it for a long time. So it isn’t all of a sudden. It has been delicately crafted from the first time you spoke it out loud and asked God for it. Its just your prayers are now bearing fruit. God does answer our prayers and sometimes it takes awhile and sometimes its suddenly. But if you have been asking God for change in your life, remember, change produces growth, and growth requires stretching.

So although it may be temporarily painful, for you to be all that God is requiring of you, it is going to mean allowing Him to make changes in your life. And those changes require trust and faith. Be blessed my friends and know that God loves you too much to let you stay the way you are. As you step out in faith God will lead you into greater things.–

Making Your Life Work

“‘For I know the plans I have for you,’ says the LORD. ‘They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope.’” Jeremiah 29:11 NLT “I did it by myself,” “I am the captain of my fate.” These are a few examples of some perspectives on how to make life work. Everyday, millions of people wander aimlessly lost, seeking love and significance in all the wrong places without a clue as to how to make life work. We need always to remember Jesus’ reminder that “apart from me, you can do nothing” (John 15:5).

When we try to make life work without the resurrection power of God at work in us through the Holy Spirit, we can be sure that we will never be able to make life work the way God intended. Many ignore their need for God when enjoying all of the pleasures and blessings of life without any of the heartbreak or problems about which we are warned will come time and time again in Scripture. Making life work in our marriages, parenting, relationships, finances, and work places often requires more longsuffering, patience, self control, and love than we can supply in our own strength. Jesus tells us that He is the Way, the Truth and the Life. When we seek to be our own way, truth, and life, we are headed for trouble. Trying to make life work without the miracle worker is a futile pursuit.

Jesus not only promises but has the power to keep His promises to work all things for the good of those who love Him.

Friends, be encouraged in knowing that God has not forgotten you. There maybe many of you feeling displaced or as if there is no real purpose for you, except to work and make money, or to trot through life just existing. Friends, you have purpose, and your life has meaning. But it is a matter of perspective. How do you see yourself? How you see yourself or even how others see you is not nearly as significant as how God sees you. He says, you are the apple of my eye. Hmm so what does that actually mean? The term “The apple of my eye” is an old idiom and is first mentioned in the Bible in the Book of Psalms chapter 17 verse 8 (also in 3 other places in the bible) talking of guarding the apple of my eye. In those days the apple of the eye was actually referring to the pupil / cornea part of the eye. Sight is always considered a precious thing and during that time was no exception.

So the same way you would go to all lengths to protect and guard your eyesight is the same way you would love and protect someone you care about. God wants to do the same for us. But we have to choose to accept His Love. Love is a choice. The only way we can truly make our life work for us the way God intended, is to accept his love and his help. Once we accept His love than we will be able to accept all the blessings he has for us. And that will include feeling fulfilled in your life and having peace in your life wherever you find yourself today.

Friends, God loves us more than we can ever humanly comprehend. Remember this, “If you were the only person on the planet, God would still send His son to die just for you!”

Choices and Rewards

Hoping this finds you well and blessed today. I am an avid book reader and recently stopped by Ben’s Books on Center St. If you have never been there and love to read and like good company and a hot glass of tea, Ben’s is the place to be. He has a great choice of books and at really great prices. Nearly everyone is going to the E- Readers and they are nice, however there is just something comfortable about curling up in the recliner and holding an actual paperback.

I am currently reading a book titled Choices and Rewards, how to live the life God loves to bless by David Cerullo. It is a really great book. Many times throughout the book I am reminded that Gods promises are indeed conditional. I knew this before, but this book just gave me revelation.

Again and again, God announces that IF we do our part then He will do His part. Often times I think about how many Christians continually struggle in the same areas, year after year. Myself included. But what I am realizing is, while many times we are waiting on God to do his part…………he is waiting for us to do ours.

The book of Deuteronomy is a book of blessings and curses. Now, we ALL want to read about the blessings, but rarely read the part that talks about what happens if we are not obedient. And we wonder why we struggle so much! Now granted, we live in a fallen world, therefore bad things happen to good people. But more often than not we are a subject of our own choices. Good or bad. We all have choices.

I remember my mom always telling me, “What you think about most, is what you’re most likely to live,” and, “The decisions you make today will determine where you are 5 years from now.” Now, I never fully understood that of course until I was much older. But, she is really right on, with both of those comments.

Now, the decision I made to come back to California 5yrs ago, has determined where I am today. Had I not chose to come back, I would not be writing for the Driller. I may not have had the opportunities in a metropolitan area that I have here in the small city. God knew where He wanted me; He put it in my heart. But I had a choice. I could have chosen to stay in my comfort zone. I had a nice house and a great job working for a credit card company, my husband worked for the state. OR we could choose to step out in faith and move back to California, with no jobs and no home, totally dependent on God.

I can honestly say, although it has been tough. We have been more blessed since we moved back to Taft than ever before. But it is because we were obedient and because I have purposed it in my heart to serve God with all my being, and seek His kingdom first. God wants to bless us, but sometimes we get too comfortable and choose not to obey when we know God is calling us.

That’s why the word says, “Many are called, but few are chosen.” Matt 22:14. That’s because few choose to answer. God gives you a choice every day. Will you serve him, and answer His call, and receive all that God has for you? Or will you choose to live in disobedience, (which is sin) and that becomes a curse. Friends, you have a choice, blessings or curses. Choose this day, to be obedient and God will reward you with far more blessings than you can ever contain. Be blessed and be encouraged. Email me at mywordshismessage@yahoo.com